Negotiation Skills Training

Effectively negotiating is critical to any business

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There’s a critical meeting coming. Perhaps it’s with a client or vendor. Maybe it’s with your boss or a vital employee. It could be talks to secure vital investment capital, or a chance to lobby the government on a matter of interest. The key theme is the same, you need to be ready to negotiate.

The difference between a successful negotiator and one who leaves value, goodwill and relationships on the table is a mixture of preparation, execution and experience. We teach how to prepare, how to execute and how to contextualize what you’re experiencing.

Our training courses are:

  • Multi-Disciplinary: Developed in partnership between a former trade negotiator and a former commercial negotiator and business owner;

  • Practical: Practical advice based on real world experience, not pop-psychological theories;

  • Comprehensive: With guides and advice from pre-negotiation, to preparation and execution and through aftercare and post-signature talks;

  • Usable: Include reusable electronic check-lists and guides to prepare for future negotiations;

  • Rapid: The full negotiating course takes just one day;

Our negotiation courses are specifically designed to benefit staff at three levels:

  • New Negotiators: The basics of negotiation, to provide the confidence and skills to sit at any table in the world;

  • Experienced negotiators: A plethora of tips and tricks from the diplomatic and corporate worlds to refine and improve skills;

  • Master Negotiators: A framework for how to share and contextualize actions and decisions, to better instruct your team and mentor their evolution as negotiators.

Contact us today to tailor a training package to the needs of your officials.